Autumn Equinox and the essential self

Autumn Equinox always feels like a revelation to me. This year, we woke up the day after the equinox to the most brilliant September sky, the most incredible, idyllic cool weather. The question resonating with me today is - how does one return to one’s most essential self?

What has to fall away - in our habits, in our fears, in our enculturation, for us to return to and live from the truest and most essential form of ourselves?

My exploration of minimalism is not an exercise in seeing how little I can live with. It is a discovery of my most sacred and enjoyable objects. It is a curatorial experience - a playful experiment of identifying exactly which items I most want to employ during this experience of living. In doing so, I release the items in my life that don’t offer joy and meaning when I use them.

In the same way, my discovery of deep essential self seems to demand a letting go - a curious undertaking of the discovery of meaning. A rich and winding road of releasing all undesirable experiences and elements of my ego self to allow my true and most essential, most connected self to shine through.